Thursday, April 29, 2010

Watchful Eye

On those rare moments when Jonas passes out on his own, his loyal friend Pulkie the Tiger is always close by, making sure everything is going OK.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Need a Lift?

From the beginning, Jonas has had one powerful neck. He was poking his head up even in the hospital wanting to see what was going on. Now we're working on refining that a bit. Maybe it's the influence of the giraffe on his play mat, or maybe it's Mom's gentle coaching, but the last few days have seen some impressive displays of neck-lifting power.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jonas and Friends: The Movie

A video short from two of Jonas' best friends on the play mat: A fella named Giraffe, and a surfing duck named Bird Lips...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pictures of Happiness

Someone was having a good time this morning. Here's some proof.

Head Games

Jonas was born with a pretty good head of hair. Here's a close-up of him showing off the luxurious locks from his play time the other day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Eye Of The Tiger

So far boxing isn't faring too well in our poll of sports that Jonas might excel at. But the surfing duck, his play mat friend, can attest to the power of Jonas' left jab. As you can see in this sequence, surfing duck is down for the count as Jonas seeks approval for his cornerman, giraffe.

Along For The Ride

Mom and Jonas went on a few adventures in the car this week, including a trip down to Orange County to see some of Niki's co-workers. Jonas seemed to enjoy the ride from the back seat, checking things out as he went. Once he got there, of course, he fell asleep, but we hope every car ride will go this well from here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big and Tall

Jonas had a doctor's appointment today and his amazing size was further confirmed. Seven weeks in, he's in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th for height. Is it too soon to hope that there's an athletic scholarship in his future? To have some fun, we've posted a new poll to the right. Should we give him football or basketball lessons? Let us know!

Face Time

Hanging out with Jonas at night can be an interesting experience. He can go from cranky to happy to fussy to just chilling out in the blink of an eye. Here's a typical sequence from about five minutes the other evening.

Just Hanging Out

Jonas and crew, having themselves a good time.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So Thoughtful

Jonas surprised his dad this morning with a great birthday card that was quite thoughtful and well written for someone only seven weeks old. We're not sure yet whether he has Mom's eyes, or Dad's nose or things like that, but one thing's for sure: He definitely seems to have Mom's handwriting.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ready to Run

Some other favorite things that Jonas has started to check out are his overhead mobiles. We've actually got two set up at the moment. One has cars and trucks to match the theme to his room. The other has four little Ralphies, the mascot for the University of Colorado, which race around overhead to the music of the CU fight song, much like the real Ralphie does at CU football games. If Jonas doesn't go on to land a football scholarship with that solid frame of his, we're thinking that his leg action when he hears that fight song might at least land him a gig as one of Ralphie's runners. Take a look for yourself in this Bonus Jonas video footage!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Out On The Town

We took Jonas for a stroll this afternoon and he seemed to enjoy the trip. As evidenced below, he started out awake just checking things out, then gave the tell-tale signs of sleep to come, and then passed out for the rest of the ride. A perfect end to a perfect day.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Silly and Smooth

Jonas is starting to show tiny bits of personality here and there. Sometimes he can be cool as a cucumber, beckoning you to enter his world and wonder what he's thinking when he stares you down with those smooth eyes. Other times, he's just one big goofball. See if you can spot the difference.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Doubling Up

A favorite game of Jonas these days is to spit up again and again and again and again after we've changed his clothes (our ours). As a result, we've taken to just putting a bib on him in an effort to salvage his outfit for the day. But oftentimes, one bib is just not enough. So we are close to borrowing an old trick from horse jockeys on muddy days. In those cases, jockeys will wear several pairs of goggles during a race, taking off each outer pair as the race gets muddier and muddier. So it is that Jonas may soon find himself with four or five bibs in the morning, watching us peel away each layer as the day continues. Granted, horse racing may not prove to be the best place to turn for parental inspiration in the long term, but at the moment, we'll take inspiration from wherever we can get it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Adorable Boy

Jonas has had a few fussy nights of late, which we suppose is to be expected. But those glorious moments when he's alert and cute during the day seem to make up for it. Here's some recent shots of Jonas as his alter ego, Captain Adorable.

Fun With a Friend

Jonas and Pulkie (and mom) had some fun yesterday. Here's some video proof!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jonas of Liberty

Give me your milk, your stuffed animals,
Your huddled blankets, yearning for an arm to break free,
The wretched diapers of your teeming waste basket.
Send these, the napping, cute-toes to me,
I lift my lamp beside my adorable pajamas!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Gang's All Here

Jonas continued to have some great play time this afternoon with his crew, which now includes the giraffe that sits on the edge of his safari-themed play mat. Here's a few shots of the action.

Here we see all of Jonas' latest friends hanging out together: Snoopy, Pulkie the Tiger, giraffe and surfing duck, who Jonas likes to playfully punch off the mat...

Jonas seemed especially enthralled today by the giraffe, who seemed to catch his attention quite a bit. Perhaps Jonas thought that he was a ceiling fan...

But you never forget your first friend. Pulkie remains one of his most loyal and trusted allies on the mat...

Catching His Eye

Whenever you hold Jonas, his eyes almost always seem to drift to something up above. From the first day he came home, Jonas seemed fascinated by the ceiling fan. But Dad's dark glasses also seem to intrigue him to no end. As does any overhead vent that might happen to be nearby. The books say that newborns are attracted to black and white images. Maybe that explains it. Or maybe he'll grow up to be an electrician, an optometrist or an air conditioning installer. Here, in order, are some of Jonas' favorite obsessions.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jonas at Play

Over the last few days, Jonas seems to be gradually enjoying play time just a bit more. For playtime on his back, he's got a nice little safari setting complete with a monkey, a giraffe and a palm tree to look at. On his stomach, he's got an ultra-cool surfboard to check out. And of course, there's his group of new friends, including Pulkie the Tiger, Snoopy and a surfing duck who's been giving him some early lessons in hitting the beach. Here's some shots of our big guy in action...

... and now, a Bonus Jonas video of our big guy at play!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Friends

Jonas is discovering some new friends of late, including someone named Snoopy. But note that his first friend, the ever-present Pulkie the Tiger, lurks just above his head, ready to accept this new acquaintance but keeping a watchful eye nonetheless.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

All Wrapped Up

One of Jonas' very first character traits was the desire -- and ability -- to take at least one arm out of a tight swaddle, an effort perhaps to maintain at least some control over his situation. But his skills at this have truly become amazing. Putting Jonas down to sleep usually involves a few minutes of listening to his Houdini-like maneuvers to free part of himself from his wrapped surroundings. Even when we think we have produced the tightest swaddle we can, he manages to free an arm, two arms, even the occasional leg. Here's a look at his different stages of swaddledom, or not, as the case may be...

Here's his classic look, left arm out of the swaddle completely...

But sometimes, he manages to get both arms out...

And then every so often, he gives up completely, happy to be surrounded in the glorious warmth of a finely swaddled blanket.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Funny Face

The books say that Jonas' eye muscles won't fully develop for at least a few more weeks yet. And that helps him make some pretty funny faces. But none of them, so far, have been funnier than this.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Another Milestone

It's hard to imagine that it's been one month since Jonas entered our world on March 2. Here's a special video message from the big guy on his big accomplishment.

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

Faster than a wet diaper, stronger than a boy who has no trouble getting an arm (or two) out of his swaddle, able to leap entire evenings by staying up from 3 to 5 a.m., it's Captain Adorable! And his faithful sidekick, Pulkie!