Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lounging Around

Jonas has become increasingly more comfortable in his surroundings around the house lately. He's become particularly enamored with wearing his car slippers ("car-tip-POOS!" as he calls them...) while playing around or lounging on the couch, being read to by Mom. Preferably, of course, a book about tractors.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Casting About

Jonas has been a tall dude since the day he was born and continues to shoot up there. When he casts a shadow, like this one at the park the other day, he looms even larger.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Garbage Truck

Jonas' all-out obsession with cars and trucks has been well-documented. Lately, though, he has been paying particular attention to garbage trucks. They are indeed mysterious, what with their funny shape and ability to make things disappear inside of them. But Jonas got a special treat this weekend when he was lucky enough to be home when our very own neighborhood garbage truck came to pick up the trash. In fact, Jonas stopped everything he was doing when he heard the big behemoth down the street...
...before long it was coming right for our driveway!
...Jonas, in complete awe, managed to offer a wave to the friendly garbage men...
...and in return, he was rewarded with a friendly wave back, no doubt the highlight of the day for Jonas as well as the garbage men...
...but to get the full picture, here's a short Bonus Jonas video clip of how it all went down, complete with uncontrollable drool from Jonas' mouth over the excitement of the whole exchange.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nice Moment

Thanks to Mima for capturing this nice moment between Jonas and Dad on Thanksgiving Day. One of many memorable moments on a memorable afternoon.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Jonas and Rach

Jonas had a lot to be thankful for on Thanksgiving, including the chance to spend the holiday with his Colorado family. But as an added bonus, Jonas got some extra time with his cousin Rachel, who spent the night Wednesday to help watch Jonas while Mom and Dad prepared a Thanksgiving feast. The two of them really hit it off, reading books, moving about with Jonas' train, playing blocks, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and looking out for Jonas' New York family (we didn't see any of them there unfortunately...), and then playing in a local park Thursday morning with Dad while Mom put the finishing touches on the meal to come. Here's some shots of two cousins having an awfully good time.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Woof, Woof

In recent days, Jonas seems to have taken a particular liking to a dog hat that we had forgotten we had for him. So much of a liking that he occasionally will, um, eat with it on.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Poke, Poke

Jonas has always seemed to have a good sense of humor, but lately, he's been especially playful. Especially at dinner.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Track of Time

Mom had some stuff to pick up at the local mall yesterday, so Dad and Jonas went off seeking some adventure while she shopped. And we found it at Pottery Barn Kids, where Jonas took to a train set that provided tons of fun over plenty of time, just enough so Mom could take care of what she needed but not enough that Jonas and Dad overstayed their welcome. As long as that train set is on display, looks like we've got a sure-fire distraction for the Big Guy next time we go.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

First Cut

They say the first cut is the deepest. And for Jonas' first haircut yesterday, it must have felt pretty deep. Let's just say our mullet-haired little friend didn't take kindly to his first haircut experience, at least at first. It's not that we didn't try hard. In fact, Mom found about the coolest place you could go to get your hair cut if you're a car-obsessed little boy. It was a place called Jack and Jill—a "salon" for kids—that set Jonas up not in a barber's chair, but in this...
...but Jonas, who doesn't particularly like his face messed with to begin with, is no dummy. Once a human being started touching his hair, well, you can practically hear in those clenched fists and furrowed brows what this must have sounded like...
...unfortunately it didn't get too much better as Jonas' wispy locks came crashing to the floor...
...eventually, Mom went to the Jonas playbook and pulled out a truck for him to play with (as if the jeep he was sitting in wasn't enough)...
...that seemed to calm him down for a bit...
...and soon he even had enough courage to take a look at what was going on through the mirror...
...eventually, the whole thing came to an end...
...and we even managed to get a little smile out of him...
...the end result? His hair went from this in the morning... this in the afternoon... haircut down. Many, many more to come.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Old School

Mom and Dad took Jonas to a craft fair this morning at what will be Jonas' high school one day. It was his first time in his future stomping grounds and he seemed to enjoy it, especially the stairs leading to the cafeteria, which perhaps was not a surprise. It took him a while to navigate the full staircase but we imagine it will be easier once he's 18. And we also imagine he may not be as willing to pose for a nice photo with Mom right in front of school by then either.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Dad came home from a week of travels last night and was greeted with the most amazing chorus of "Dad! Dad! Dad!" from Jonas this morning when he suddenly appeared next to Mom. Pretty fantastic way to start the day courtesy of our big boy, who kept smiling all morning.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Kicks

One of the fun mini-milestones is watching Jonas move on to the next shoe size. And he's just about there now, moving the other day from a 4 to a 5, on his inevitable journey to a size 22. Here, Mom puts on the new kicks, much to Jonas' interest and delight.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Roads

"Hat" is a pretty popular word around our house, as is, of course, "car"—or at least something that sounds like "car." So, what better way to combine those two great flavors then by putting all of your cars on your head, as Jonas couldn't stop doing the other day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sleep Deprived

The last couple of nights have perhaps marked a transition to official toddler-hood for Jonas. For months and months, he has been a fantastic sleeper, pretty much passing out the moment he goes to bed and staying there through the night. And now—not so much. Jonas has made it clear he wants some company around for the routine now, going so far as to drop his beloved burpee on the floor and repeating "uh-oh" as many times as it takes for Mom and Dad to come in. And so it is that we've had to start some tough love for Jonas in our new test of wills over who will win the battle of "Go to sleep in there!" versus "Mommy! Uh-Oh!" Unfortunately, Mom has had to take the brunt of it this week with Dad traveling for work. But she sent this shot of our bleary-eyed little bugger from this morning trying to act as if nothing happened last night...
...and then, as if to hammer the point home, he grabbed Mom's phone to send Dad a text. "Nothing 2 C here Pops. c u when u get back, heh, heh.."

Monday, November 14, 2011

King Jonas

Jonas has had a thing about blankets lately ("an-ket!") that has included a need to have one in his crib at night and, most recently, to have one draped around his shoulders in regal fashion.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bath. Room.

Jonas has been hanging out in Mom and Dad's bathroom quite a bit of late because, really, is there any more adventurous place when you're a kid? But while he'll often work his way over to the edge of the bathtub, he's never been curious enough to get in. Mom took care of that the other day, though, when she put the big guy inside to explore the space. Now, of course, he expects to take a "dip" every time he heads in there. And why not? It's become an instant happy place for the Big Guy.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Poor Jonas. Wednesday was a rough one for the Big Guy as he, um, had a tough time keeping food where it's supposed to be kept once eaten. But if it's possible to be cute even as he was sick, Jonas managed to offer up the saddest and at the same time most adorable use of "uh-oh" in between heaves. (Ugh...) Fortunately he's all better now and back to his usual feasting self, much to the delight of Jonas as well as Mom and Dad.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Big Hug

Happiness is a big wake-up hug from Jonas to start the day, even if it means a big dollop of slobber left on your shoulder.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Taking In A Book

What better way to wind down a hard day of play than by taking in a good book? When that book is all about cars, it's the perfect capper to a busy afternoon.