Saturday, December 31, 2011

An Eventful Year

We thought 2010 would be significant for us, what with the then-Nub becoming Jonas and all, but 2011 was certainly a milestone year here as well as we put Operation Colorado into effect at the start of it. Since then, we've had a blast watching Jonas transition from a baby into a full-on toddler, scampering about his new home and enjoying the life we've made for him out here in the mountains. To end the year, here's some memories of the last 12 months and one of the most important and fun years Mom and Dad have ever had together. Happy New Year to all our friends and family!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Snow Fun

The weather has actually been pretty nice here of late, but there was so much snow in the last storm that there's still a bunch left on our street. So, we decided to take Jonas out the other day for another spin along Rosemary Drive. As you can tell, he didn't enjoy it at all.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Boy's Best Friend

One of the gifts Jonas this holiday season got was a toy dog courtesy of his Mima. The two have been getting along famously, even if Jonas has yet to give him a name. The other morning, Jonas paid the dog the ultimate compliment: He showed his new friend each of his cars and trucks, one by one, including his new tractor.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Great Gifts

Jonas had himself one heck of a holiday season, getting all sorts of wonderful stuff from family and friends as he celebrated Hanukkah at home and with Dad's family, and Christmas with Mom's family. The overall theme this year: transportation. It started with an ambulance and street sweeper ("Street Sweep-uh!" as Jonas declares every morning now) that required deep inspection...
...but it continued with a great train book complete with track for a winding train...
...there were also tractors to be played with...
...and the ultimate garage/ramp system that Mom couldn't resist and that Jonas has taken an immediate interest in...
...even gifts not intended to serve as transportation became that, notably a starter golf set that Jonas got from his Mima, which he refers to simply as his "wagon"...
...all in all, a great holiday season for Jonas and Mom and Dad as well. Thanks to all our great family and friends for making it special!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ladies Man

Rounding out our coverage of our California adventure, we'll leave you with this lasting image of the Big Guy feeling incredibly comfortable surrounded by a group of ladies, namely Mom and her friends whom she met up for lunch with at Downtown Disney. Based on that wry little smile, our impeccable dresser seems right at home.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Taking In the View

We finished our California trip with a stop at Dad's company holiday party, which was held at a hotel on the beach in Santa Monica. Jonas made quick friends with a boy named Clay, the son of one of Dad's co-workers. They spent most of their time looking out the window together (Jonas was so fond of Clay that he finished off all the crackers that Clay's Mom brought, which Clay apparently wasn't interested in. Lesson No. 1: Never leave open food around Jonas)...
...but what was it that caught their attention by the window all afternoon? Well, it was a view that looked like this.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Pier Review Pt. 2

When Jonas was done checking out the cars and trucks on the Santa Monica Pier, he realized there was plenty of beach to explore as well. Initially, he tried explaining that to a friend he met along the way...
...but first, Jonas got a bit sidetracked by some pigeons that he had to chase, yelling "Tweet! Tweet!" as he went...
...then, he glanced Mom a look from behind his Hollywood shades...
...and it was down to the beach they went, where Jonas went off to explore, looking like something out of a scene of the opening sequence of "Three's Company" and having a great time.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Pier Review Pt. 1

One of Jonas' favorite bed-time books is called "Good Night Los Angeles" in which people tour the greater L.A. area and all its fun sites. Included on the tour is the Santa Monica Pier, at which "there's so much going on." And during our trip to California this week, Mom made sure to stop with the Big Guy to show him how accurate the book really is...
...Jonas was instantly intrigued by the scenic view from the pier, reaching up on his tip-toes to get a closer look...
...but the real action comes from all the rides and games that the pier has to offer. And Jonas (with the help of a big roll of quarters from Mom...) made sure he sampled every single car and truck ride so he could figure out which one was the best...
...Jonas' adventure on the pier wasn't done there though. Stay tuned tomorrow for the stirring conclusion to his morning of fun.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Park Redux

Back when we lived in California, Mom used to take Jonas to a nice little park in our old neighborhood in Belmont Shore. It was there that Jonas learned how to swing. Now that he can walk, Jonas made his triumphant return the other day and was able to enjoy much more than the baby swing. First, there were more things with wheels to check out...
...and then there was sand. Lots and lots of sand.