Monday, May 31, 2010

Head up High (Director's Cut)

Dad not only has a new video camera, he's experimenting with video editing! Here's the Director's Cut of the day-old classic "Head Up High," with some appropriate musical background. We'll probably issue this alternate version with the 20th anniversary edition of the Nub in the Oven DVD. Let us know what you think.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Head Up High

Here's some Bonus Jonas video footage of the big guy's new trick he learned this week.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sleepy Face

Jonas had about the sleepiest face we've ever seen last night. If only he could have slept through the night.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Thinker

Tonight, Jonas seemed to be thinking, "Do I want to wake up at 1 a.m. or 2 a.m.? Should I drink lots of milk or just lots and lots of milk? And just how long can Dad hold me before his arm falls asleep? Hmm..."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Amazing Discovery

Just yesterday, Jonas seemed to be making some decent progress on the whole "tummy time" thing. But today, he reached one of his first true milestones. Literally overnight, he seemed to discover that he can lift his head up all on his own by pushing off with those strong arms of his. And once he figured out he could do it, he sort of couldn't stop, even smiling as he looked around. The first of many big milestones to come.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Return of the Tummy

Jonas is gradually becoming more interested in things that he previously had, quite clearly, expressed no interest in at all. One of those things is his so-called "tummy time." Mom reports that over the last few days, he has just started to try picking himself up with his arms, holding his head up for extended periods and generally being quite pleased with himself -- at least for a few minutes at a time. Here's some footage of his progress.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Too Excited

Father and son took in the Mets-Yankees game on television last night, and let's just say Jonas was too excited by the close ending that he could barely even watch.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Outing

Last week, we took Jonas to experience one of his first rites of passage as a California native -- a trip to the farmer's market. Strapped onto Dad's chest, he seemed to enjoy the scene there. Today, we took him back to the market, which is next to a lovely marina here. Let's just say Jonas was a bit crankier today, maybe because it was a bit windy down by the water. But he still managed to get in some prime boat viewing with Dad.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fun and Games

Mom knows just how to get Jonas all giddy. Her new trick is a little game involving a funny little noise that he seems to find hysterical. Here's a Bonus Jonas video example. Spoiler alert: This is about the cutest thing in the history of time.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Man in Motion

Jonas and Mom have gotten into a nice routine every day, taking an afternoon walk around the neighborhood. Last week, Mom found some cool bug rattles to put on the car seat handle, which Jonas seems to take a liking to, playing what appears to be his own version of peek-a-boo as they stroll along. That type of behavior sounds about right for someone who's about to turn three months old. But, sometimes, like in the picture above, he looks like he's already about five years old.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Best Buds

Reaching Out

The last few weeks have been a little tough on Pulkie the Tiger, Jonas' first true friend on the play mat. Seems Bird Lips the surfing duck has been getting lots of attention that used to be diverted a certain tiger's way. But yesterday, Mom reported that Jonas began reaching for ol' Pulks, including a first true grab of his paw. It was a nice moment for two old friends.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Little Champ

Jonas and Mom have been enjoying some great time together the last few days. Here, her little champ shows off his trademark charm.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Off to Work

Jonas made his first guest appearance at Dad's work on Monday and he had pretty much the same reaction he does at home: Endless fascination by things on the ceiling. Fluorescent lights, ceiling tiles, an air conditioning vent -- it was all almost too much to take in. But the bonus was some surprise time to hang out on Dad's shoulder during the day. Luckily, Dad's co-worker Rachel was there with a camera to catch some of the action.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Drinking It In

On weekends, Jonas has been getting an extra-special treat: A bottle of milk administered by Dad. It's kind of funny to watch, as Jonas tries to figure out why all of a sudden milk is just pouring into his mouth as quick and easy as he likes. But lucky for us, he doesn't seem to mind how he's getting his milk, just as long as someone's supplying it. And often.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ode to Bird Lips

One of the stalwarts of Jonas' play crew has been a surfing duck that Niki named Bird Lips. Jonas and Bird Lips hit it off right from the start. Actually, Jonas began hitting Bird Lips right from the start, just punching him with little jabs again and again and again. But this past week, their relationship evolved a bit: Jonas has started to grab for him and seemingly confide in him instead of just punching him out. Now the two are becoming best buddies. Evidence below.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

C is for Conked Out

Family Time

Jonas has had the chance to meet all sorts of relatives so far in his 10 weeks hanging out with us. Two weeks ago, it was Uncle Alden, Aunt Sarah and Cousin Julia from New York who got some quality time. This week, Uncle Dan from Utah came calling. Maybe it was the glasses, but it's possible that Jonas thought Uncle Dan was some alternate version of Dad, as the two of them seemed to get along quite famously. The notable exception to Dad is that Uncle Dan actually knows how to fix things, performing several household projects that needed significant attention. (This included a stubborn kitchen lightbulb that Dad for the life of him could not figure out how to replace, but that Uncle Dan used a suction cup to remove -- a suction cup!)

Here's some shots of Uncle Dan and Jonas in action...

And a Bonus Jonas video of Jonas and Dan enjoying some play time...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Early Reader

The other day, Jonas seemed mildly interested in his first book! It's an epic tale (six pages!) of a ragtag group of farm animals, each searching endlessly for a prize it seems none can ever attain. A fruitless search that time and again leaves them questioning their existence and the very circumstances that has placed them on this planet to begin with. A chance to explore within, examining the very meaning of life, only to realize that those items that appear to separate us are the same ones that bind us together, weaving a tapestry of civilization that can withstand the test of time. At least I think that's what Jonas seemed to be getting from "Where's Your Tail?" Tough to say...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Smiling Faces

Jonas had kind of a rough day at the doctor today, getting poked and prodded a bit. But when he came home, he was happy as can be, just the way we like him. Take a look.

Great Day

Jonas treated Mom to a great first Mother's Day, even agreeing to sit and be entertained.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wake Up Call

You don't have to be a mom on Mother's Day to appreciate the adorable scene of a little boy being woken up by his mom. Hard to say which gives Jonas more joy: His mom waking him up, or the endlessly amusing buffaloes swirling over his head. (But safe to say the CU fight song has all new meaning to us now.) So on Mother's Day, here's some Bonus Jonas video footage to melt your heart, whether you're a mom or not.

Happy Mother's Day!

We want to wish all the moms in our lives a Happy Mother's Day! This particular Mother's Day is a special one for us, of course. So here's to Niki and the great job she's been doing so far as a mom. The perfect combination of sweet and silly.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Serious and Silly

Jonas has the uncanny ability to look incredibly serious one moment and incredibly silly the next, as evidenced below. Which one will he turn out to be?

Big Discovery

Jonas has discovered a whole new person this week through a trick involving mirrors — himself! He's not exactly sure what to make of the little fella, but he does seem to be increasingly interested in finding out more about him.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What'cha Looking At?

Everyone needs a good shoulder to hang out on.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rocket Man

Our friends in Australia sent Jonas some cool shirts with his name on them. Here, the Rocket Man looks to the stars, wondering if there's a planet out there made entirely of milk.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Every once in a while, when the fussiness is just too much, Jonas needs himself a little pacifying. While he doesn't seem to want it terribly often, there's just something about a pacifier to, well, pacify the big guy, as evidenced by this sequence from the other morning. Think he's relaxed enough?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Two Months and Counting

Hard to believe, but our big guy was born two months ago today. As you can see, he seems to be enjoying himself so far.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Super Hero

By night, he is reasonably mild-mannered Jonas. But by day, whenever cuteness calls, whenever justice can be served by a heart-melting smile, whenever the importance of milk needs to be defended, he becomes ... Captain Adorable! And as always, his faithful sidekicks are by his side. Below, video footage of our crime fighter in action.


Here, Jonas seems to be saying, "Dad, if you or Mom take one more photo of me..." Sorry buddy. Lots more to come.