Monday, December 14, 2009

Name Games

In addition to getting inspiration from sources just about everywhere, we've been studying a couple of baby-naming books as guides for something more, shall we say, flattering to call Nub once he comes along. And I have to say, some of the name meanings are just ridiculous. Marconi: One who is inventive. Or perhaps, Poe: A mysterious man. Why can't it just say: You know, there was an actual Marconi who invented stuff, so you're naming your child after him. Or, there was an actual Poe who wrote some creepy stories, so you're naming your child after him. But my favorite are the names that seem to be there just so you won't name your child them. For example, Pitney: From the island of the stubborn man. What a definition! Seems like an ominous thing to name your son.

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