Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thanks For Being Here!

Tonight I was reviewing a few worksheets that we got at classes we had taken weeks back, since it seems like it was so long ago now. And truth be told, I don't think either of us ever really reviewed any of the handouts we got after sitting through our first all-day class on childbirth. So imagine my surprise when I came across a section tonight on "Encouragement." These were recommended things that I can say while Niki is delivering Nub, presumably to encourage her. Here are some of things suggested in our worksheet: "Great job!" ... "Way to go!" ... "You're doing beautifully!" (and I swear it says this one...) "Thanks for being here!"
I'm trying to imagine how that would go exactly, when Niki is looking for all of my encouragement in her time of need, and I turn to her lovingly, stroke her hair and say, "Hey Niki, thanks for being here!" But, I suppose, without her presence, I'd probably feel pretty dumb muttering those other things in the delivery room without her.

1 comment:

  1. I think when you say "thanks for being here..." you need to give her a firm handshake.

