Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Play Date

Jonas has lots of "friends" in the form of a surfing duck, a white tiger and a stuffed animal thing so indescribable, we just call him Noonan. But yesterday, a real-life friend came over in the form of Maxine, the daughter of one of Dad's former co-workers. Jonas really seemed to enjoy the company at his first official play date. At first, though, he played hard to get...

...but then, he introduced Maxine to one of his favorite things in the whole world, something called a ceiling fan...

...and before too long, Maxine was showing off one of her favorite things, the "Wheels on the Bus" App for the iPhone...

...and it wasn't too long after that when Jonas shot his chaperone a specific look that said, "You know, I'm fine on my own, you can leave any time you like..." the end, as he does with everyone, Jonas eventually proved to be too much of a charmer...

...the perfect end to a perfect morning.

1 comment:

  1. AWE!!! Could this post be any more adorable?!!
