Monday, August 9, 2010

Keyed Up

Our nice-enough but alarmingly nonspecific daycare provider has given us few hints as to how Jonas really spends his days while we're at work. But one of the few details she's offered is that "he likes keys" – and we're hoping she means the toy kind. So, Mom went out and bought Jonas his own set this weekend, and as you'll see below, he does seem to enjoy them, even if they only appear to be unlocking his mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Alarmingly non specific?? Sounds disapointing. Have you talked with the director about the implementation of simple info sheets? My child... napped/didn't nap. My child was fussy/content. My child ate well/had this to eat (this many ounces of milk)________. My child had ___( a number here) dirty diapers.
    MANY daycares have sheets similar to this to help parents know how the day was. Obviously as they grow more details about the day appear like shared well/ needed a time-out...
    Speak out. Maybe they don't see a need until the person paying for it suggests it. Take 10 minutes and draft a sample so you can show them how simple it can be. I worked in a daycare myself the sheets CAN be done. The parents always responded well to them and it gave them a window into the day when they were away from their child.
