Monday, November 29, 2010

Jet Setter

Just when we think Jonas can't impress us any more, he goes and has a day like he did yesterday. The flight back from New York was an hour or so longer than the flight there, so Mom and Dad were a bit concerned about how they would amuse the Big Guy the whole time. Turns out it didn't matter. After charming the TSA agents at JFK, Jonas decided to take a stroll through the JetBlue terminal...
...then he realized that it was Sunday and there was football on TV, so he and Dad went to go check out some scores and react to the big plays on the big screens...
...then Jonas said he wanted to go get his shoes shined. But when we got there, the shoe shine man was on a break. Luckily for Jonas, turns out he doesn't wear shoes yet...
...before boarding, Jonas had a great idea: Why don't we get a drink? Dad didn't think that was the best precedent to set, especially after he heard what Jonas wanted to order — a white Russian, hold everything but the milk...
...when it came time to finally board, Jonas was beat. So beat that he passed out in Dad's arms for two hours, a test of endurance for Dad as Jonas' head pushed its way down onto Dad's hand, wrist, forearm and elbow at various less-than-ideal pressure points. But the nap was more than ideal. Jonas enjoyed it so much, that he took another nap later in the flight, waking up by saying, "Ahh..." and looking around with a smile. Mom got some prime holding time, too, and when it came time to land, Jonas seemed to be so comfortable, he didn't mind the descent this time at all. It helped that he got to curl up with people he knows...
...when it was time to get off, Jonas looked like he was ready to go again...
...the last stop was the baggage claim, which in Long Beach is outside. So Jonas bundled up and ran through the memories of a great first trip to New York, dreaming of his next opportunity to feast on pizza and bagels the way they were meant to be feasted upon, anxiously awaiting his next trip.
Epilogue: At one point in the flight, Dad was standing in the back of the plane with Jonas so they could both stretch out a bit, and a flight attendant came up to Dad. "That is one great baby," he said. "Thanks," Dad offered. "No, I'm serious," the flight attendant said. "You can always tell the babies that are loved because they are the quietest, most behaved ones, and this baby is really loved, I can tell." So true.


  1. How did JoeBoo handle the religious zealots on the California side? Scientologyyyyyyyy!

  2. It wasn't a big deal. He gave at the office. :)
