Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fries! Fries! Fries!

Oh, hi there. This is Jonas. Um, I don't know if you saw the posting yesterday about my first french fry but I'm still here at the restaurant and there's something I just have to say. Let me see, how can I put this ... MORE FRIES! MORE FRIES! MORE FRIES! If you see my folks, would you mind passing that on? Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Did mom and dad mention what goes hand-in-hand with fries? 2 things actually... milkshakes OR catsup. Make sure on your next fry outing you get one of these sides. (For best results: the milkshake should be strawberry or chocolate and you just dip those fries right in. Fries get dipped into the catsup too!!)
