Sunday, May 1, 2011

Young at Heart

Nothing's worse as a kid than when your parents take you to Toys R Us to shop for other kids. But with some gifts to buy for others, we had to do it yesterday. Only it wasn't so much Jonas that seemed disappointed he wouldn't be getting anything on this visit. Dad, for one, marveled at some of the games and toys he had growing up that were still for sale, including a game called Bumpershot...
...and the apparent return of Smurf figurines...
but as much as Dad seemed to have a wandering eye, nothing quite compared with the reaction Mom seemed to have at every turn. Look Jonas, hula-hoops!!!...
Look Jonas, check out this dinosaur castle thing that lights up when you touch it!!!...
Oh, Jonas, I am having such a great time!!!...
When it finally came time to check out, Jonas wasn't sure what to make of the whole experience and what in the world had taken over his parents...