Tuesday, August 2, 2011


As Jonas moves around a bit more we're entering a fun new phase of parenthood: minor bodily harm. Last weekend Jonas got his first cut lip, courtesy of a face plant into the footboard while playing on Mom and Dad's bed. But yesterday, Jonas came home from daycare with his first black eye, a nice little shiner he got after taking a tumble along with a bicycle he was pushing around. Once he got home, though, Jonas figured out a cool new trick to disguise his unsightly eye, almost instinctively reaching for a pair of sunglasses...
...before pulling off a pretty cool way to hide is unfortunate new look...
...even more amusing? Despite having one slightly compromised eye, Jonas apparently gained all sorts of "i"s on the incident report Mom and Dad got detailing the spill...

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I know I'm a spelling bigot, but I'd like to think that my day-care provider WOULD KNOW HOW TO SPELL MY CHILD'S NAME. Sorry for the shouting.
