Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Curious Jonas

Where to begin with our little monkey boy and his first trick-or-treat experience? For a little guy who Mom and Dad are awfully fond of, it's just hard to top the cuteness factor that was Halloween. But we have to start somewhere. Our Curious Jonas began the day before Halloween by modeling part of his outfit and practicing his trick or treating in one of his favorite neighborhoods: Mom and Dad's bathroom...
...but the real action came at his school, where Jonas and his classmates got to join kids in the other rooms for a parade of costumes. Mom and Dad met him there, of course, and took about a billion photos before the parade began...
...at first, Jonas wasn't sure what to make of his first parade and required a bit of assistance from Mom. (Luckily for Jonas, Mom and Dad know their way around a parade)...
...but eventually, he got the hang of it, marching along in step...
...even more fortunate for Jonas, the parade ended in the school's playground, where our monkey boy did what monkeys do...
...until he saw the big kids doing what they do. For a bit, Jonas felt like a monkey in a cage...
...but not to worry, of course, because a snack awaited back in his room! And that's where Jonas decided to embrace his monkey-ness as best he knows how...
...once his well-deserved snack was over, it was back home with Mom and Dad and time for Jonas to experience trick or treating in earnest with a quick trip around the neighborhood. Jonas, it turns out, is a trick or treat pro, catching on to the concept awfully quickly as he approached his first house, waiting patiently for an answer...
...alas, the only one home was that dog in the window. Not to be discouraged, Curious Jonas marched himself to the next house...
...where real-life treats awaited!...
...and just like a pro, Jonas immediately and instinctively went in to inspect his loot...
...in fact, he only made it another few houses before he felt the need to grab a seat and take a closer look...
...but soon enough, he was back on his feet and ready for more action!...
...when it was all over, our exhausted little monkey took one last inventory before coming inside...
...and then it was time to debrief with Mom and Dad, taking a good long drink as he thought about the most wonderful holiday he's ever experienced.

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