Sunday, April 24, 2011

Feelin' Blue

It's been a week now since Jonas came down with his first case of pink eye. And what a week it's been. Since last Sunday, the poor little guy has amassed an impressive medical tally that looks like this: One case of pink eye, one bout of croup, one ear infection, one trip to the ER, one trip to the regular doctor, one trip to the urologist, a day and night of faucet-like runny noses and general unpleasantness. And he's been in the sharing mood. Mom has a cough that Dad describes as the sound Keith Richards would make if he played the tuba. And Dad doesn't sound much better. But alas, a new week is approaching, and hopefully a corner will be turned.

1 comment:

  1. Awe... I feel blue just reading of so much sickness. Hope everyone is on the mend and stays health.
