Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Fun

Mom had to work on Saturday, but she did Dad and Jonas a huge favor by suggesting that we check out a nearby fall festival that took place at a local farm. So off we went to check out some animals, some pumpkins, and to Jonas' enormous delight, some real-life tractors. But the first thing we saw when we arrived was a sporty Chevy that was placed there by a local dealership that sponsored the event. Needless to say, Jonas would have been happy if we had just stopped there...
...Jonas was having such a good time there that he caught the eye of one of the dealers, who made Jonas the lead photo on the dealership's Facebook page. (Click here to see our famous boy.) The car was great and all, but Jonas' latest obsession is most assuredly tractors ("tac-toes" as he likes to call them...) and luckily for him, magic awaited just a bit further into the festival. There, he found himself a John Deere and hopped right into the scooper... fact, he made quick friends with the two tractor salesmen as they all watched and wondered how anyone could be having any fun doing non-tractor activities at the festival...
...the tractor salesmen were so smitten by Jonas and his incessant yelling of "tac-toe!" that they invited him to hop on board with Dad...
...simply put, it was one of the best moments of Jonas' life...
...eventually we got off, and went to explore some of the animals on display, including a llama...
...and some sheep. But Jonas couldn't stop thinking about those tac-toes he left behind... back it was to the John Deeres, where Farmer Jonas was back in his element, happy as could be...
...his happiness soon turned into serious thoughts of making a career out of riding these things, if only he had some land to cultivate. Oh yes, he seemed to be thinking, I could be on to something. I could be on to something indeed...
...hard as it was, we had to explore other things, namely a pumpkin patch that looked awfully inviting...
...there, Jonas got to get his hands dirty inspecting each and every one he could find...
...until eventually sitting down to take it all in...
...after one more round with the tractors, it was time to head back home. And what awaited us on the way out? That flashy red sports car, of course, allowing Jonas to have one last thrill on one of the greatest days of his life.

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