Saturday, January 29, 2011

Back in Business

Jonas had himself a great visit with his New York grandparents this week, but it wasn't all fun and games. Mid-week he came down with croup (which Dad thinks should always be called "the croup"). It's a terrible-sounding name accompanied by a terrible-sounding cough accompanied by a terrible morning routine that involved bundling Jonas up and holding him in the cold morning air after a 20-minute steam experience in the bathroom. But after a few days of relative fussiness, the Big Guy woke up today with that trademark smile and gleeful approach to life, ready to take on the weekend with a whole new outlook.


  1. Is the cold air a new thing where you're at?? Heard and even used steam to loosen coughs, but the cold air part seems harsh on the lungs and vocal chords- especially if they are already in stress mode.

  2. Apparently the cold air is a common treatment. Heard all sorts of stories from Colorado folks about standing out in the freezing air with their kids. Seemed to do the trick!
