Thursday, January 6, 2011

Moving Day

Tuesday was the big move and the end of two of the longest days of Dad's life. After packing up the remaining stuff in the house once Jonas and Mom left for Colorado, Dad greeted a team of movers the next day, ready for the next phase of our adventure. Turns out we have a lot of stuff. A lot of stuff. So much so, that when they got all the boxes out on the driveway, there was immediate concern as to whether it would all fit in the space they had for us...
...but movers are amazing people. One guy, who we'll call the crammer, did nothing but fit the puzzle together...
...Eventually, most of our astonishing 300 boxes (!) got stuffed in there. Some, however, didn't make it and will be sent on a separate truck. All part of the experience. When it was over though, Dad could see the back of the garage for the first time in five years...
...and inside, it was back to basics. And considering the chaos of things being moved around all day, awfully quiet...
...and back in Colorado, one little boy was settling in just fine with his grandmother and one of her dogs, oblivious to the adult logistics involved in getting him out there, dreaming of whatever will come next.

1 comment:

  1. 300! Wow- we as humans accumulate stuff so easily.
