Monday, January 3, 2011

Leaving Long Beach

Up there is where it all began 10 years ago for Mom and Dad, the intersection where we lived in our first apartment in Long Beach right after we were married. We came out here knowing nobody in town, truly starting our lives together from scratch. So many great memories have happened since then with so many great friends and so many wonderful moments, capped of course by the arrival of Jonas. We've spent the last few days taking Jonas around our first neighborhood in Belmont Shore and taking in a few last glimpses of a city that we've come to love...
But today is another milestone day for us, and especially Jonas, as he and Mom fly out to Colorado, where a whole new exciting chapter in our lives is about to begin. This morning, Jonas and Mom took off on a rainy morning at Long Beach Airport...
...bound for the first leg of our adventure. Dad will join up next week after taking care of some last business at our cozy house that we've also grown to love. We'll always have fond memories of our first true home together as a family on Fanwood Avenue, and Jonas had some fun final days while Mom and Dad tried to hide all the moving boxes as discreetly as we could so as not to arouse too much suspicion. But here's one last look at the Big Guy and one of his favorite people in the world on their way out this morning, ready and excited to begin the next chapter...


  1. "So long, farewell..." you know the rest of the song from the Sound of Music, and yet welcome to a new adventure. I'm sure it'll be nice to be out where the mountains get snow. Jonas the Snow Bunny- has kind of a nice ring to it! Perhaps he'll be into snowboarding and half pipe or there's always snowshoeing!!

  2. Jason - you're unlikely to see houses like the one behind you in that pic in Colorado!
