Friday, July 1, 2011

New York, New York

Jonas, Mom and Dad are on a big adventure this week as the Big Guy makes his triumphant return to Dad's home town. Jonas had a great trip, made even more great by a big window at the airport, where he and Dad watched all sorts of trucks, cars and airplanes go by...
...and then, Jonas took one of his own trucks and had a blast by the people-mover as Dad pointed out how if he just used his feet a little more, he could cover even more ground...
...once our plane took off, it was time to read about more trucks!...
...Jonas did great on the flight, sleeping through most of it and being amused by, among other things, the overhead light... the time we landed and got in his Papa's car for the ride back to Long Island, Jonas was beat...
...but he rallied when he saw the sign for one of Mom and Dad's favorite local restaurants, where a feast awaited...
...and oh did Jonas feast. There was chicken and pasta and the yummiest bread he had ever tasted...
...but dessert was where the action was at, as Jonas eyed this serious, hard-core cannoli...
...and if that wasn't enough, he had his first taste of cheesecake and vanilla ice cream, inducing a genuine food coma...
...the perfect end to a fun day.

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